The Queen of Auctions, eBay Tips, Tricks

Lynn's eBay eZine

July 27th, 2017
Volume XIII, Issue 07


It has been exactly three months since I wrote the last ezine. I would like to say it was for a great reason, but it wasn't. Those were the worst three months of my life. The last ezine I wrote was on April 20th, 2017 when I asked you to all please pray for my Papa (my dad). I thank you for your prayers.

Let's share a score before I tackle this ezine. It's not going to be an easy one, but one that definitely needs writing.

I bought this chocolate set with Mo at an estate sale last November. I definitely overpaid at $75.00, but thought it was beautiful. I got it back to the office and thought "What was I thinking?" I put it on eBay at auction for $249.99. No takers. Raised the price to $599.99 fixed price and waited.

Click here to see this auction.

I got an offer of $150 in December and I (stupidly) turned it down. After I turned it down, I kept kicking myself (as my grandmother used to say) for not taking it. I had to be out of my office space by May 31st and who (in their right mind) would want to move this! Ughhh.

But, my gut instinct was correct. My patience paid off and on May 26th, I took a best offer of $390.00. YOWZA! That was worth waiting for . The lady who bought it was purchasing it for her mother and wanted to make sure we packaged it correctly. Check out this email I received….

"Received this package June 5th. Took to my Mom's this week. She opened it and was speechless! (And cried with heartfelt tears) Your packing is phenomenal!!!!!!! Top notch!! Everything arrived safely. Will definitely follow you as a seller and watch for your items you list. Will definitely leave great reviews!
Thank you"

Don't you love getting emails like those?

So, back to Bellingham. My dad had plans to fly down to see us and sit in the sun for a week on Monday, April 24th. I knew that he wasn't feeling well and my step mom Sue was worried about him flying alone, so I bought a round trip plane ticket to head back to Bellingham on Friday, April 21st to return to the desert with my dad on Monday, April 24th.

Unfortunately, my dad's health had declined quite rapidly. When he was diagnosed on March 16th, the cancer had already spread from his pancreas to the liver and kidneys. It was evident that he had already been fighting this terrible disease (without even knowing about it) for at least a year. And yet he never complained and it went undiagnosed. They say that pancreatic cancer is the worst…a silent killer.

I knew when I flew up on April 21st that my dad would not be returning to California with me. So, I bought two plane tickets for Houston and Indiana to join us in Bellingham on Monday, April 24th. Indiana would have to miss a week of school, which would be really hard on her as it was her senior year and it was crunch time. However, we all knew that a week spent with Papa was priceless.

As soon as I arrived in Bellingham that Friday, my mom and I headed to my dad's house. Here is a photo of my dad and me that afternoon.

We had a really nice visit and it was great to see him. My mom and I stayed for dinner and then headed out to her house for the evening.

Time for a score! Scores always lighten the mood, don't they? This is a pretty cool item from a ship wreck salvage that my grandmother's brother, Houston, sold to my grandmother in 1974 for $5.00. Check out the listing for more of the very interesting history behind this find.

Click here to see this auction.

I listed it in November of 2012 at $299. It had not sold in almost 5 years so I took a best offer of $75.00 from a lady who bought multiple items from me. I thought she had really great taste and I loved the eclectic assortment she purchased.

The next day was Saturday and Sue needed to run some errands and couldn't leave my dad alone, so my mom and I headed over to spend the day with him. We were also going to "attempt" and I do mean "attempt" to get my dad's Mercedes out of the garage. No one had tried to move it since he had driven and parked it for the last time back in March.

That car was my dad's pride and joy. It is a beautiful Mercedes sedan that originally belonged to Bill Gates and it has bullet proof windows. Yes, that is the truth. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE had even started the car, much less tried to maneuver it out of the garage.

My dad, my mom and I were left in the family room as I retrieved the keys and got prepared to back the car out. I asked my dad for instructions and he said "just back it straight out." Well, I got to the garage and it was very clear to me that he had a "system" for getting it as close to the wall as possible so that Sue could also park her car in the garage. I started going slowly forward and slowly backwards, but was making no progress.

I went in the house and told my mom I needed her to help guide me out. My dad just rolled his eyes. My mom came out and together we did more maneuvering. I finally gave up and said there is no way to get this car out. We had it part way in the garage and part way out.

Here are some photos for you to check out. First one shows the metal file cabinet with the darkroom clock on top of it that I was trying not to hit.

This one is how it looked after my mom and I got it partially out.

At this point, I said "I am calling AAA. They can figure this one out." I called AAA and pretended to be Sue (my dad's wife). I told them that I needed them to get the car out of the garage. They told me that they don't do that. "OK, then I need it towed." Where? I gave them my mom's address.

I could see how this was really upsetting my dad so I tried to make light of the conversation as my mom, my dad and I sat in the family room watching the clock tick. I called AAA numerous times (out of my dad's earshot) and they said that other cases took precedence and that someone would eventually be there.

Well, that someone turned out to be Sue. I told her the story and she said "when they asked you where you wanted it towed you should have told them to the end of the driveway." LOL. She is funny! Sue looked at the way we had it positioned and she said "I have never driven your dad's car, but give me the keys. I am going to do it."

At that point I said to Sue, "this car drives exactly like mine and they can be tricky, if you really think it is positioned correctly, let me finish the job." My mom guided from the front, Sue from the back and Sue even had to fold in the plastic siding on the garage to get it out, but all I did was back "straight out" just like my dad had said . With about 30 minutes of positioning before that back "straight out" LOL. So relieved!

Time for a score that goes along with cars. Can't you just see some hipster wearing these cool sunglasses while driving their convertible? Maybe Indiana? LOL. She would kill me if I called her a hipster. And no, because they sold for a best offer of over $50.

Click here to see this auction.

That was one exhausting Saturday but my dad was sure relieved his car was out of the garage with no scratches ! I was quite proud of myself and drove my dad's car to meet my mom at the airport. My mom was going to leave her car at BLI (Bellingham International Airport) for my brother to drive out to her house when his plane arrived at midnight that night, 4/22.

Oops, forgot one small detail, on the way to the airport we stopped off at a charity event for Zach and Kai's elementary school. It was called a Hootenanny and I had no idea what was in store for us. Apparently, it is some kind of small country & western type gathering with music.

Well, it sure was fun and here are Mor Mor, Zach, Kai and me in our costumes for the photo shoot.

The next day was Zachary's 11th birthday and we would be celebrating at my dad and Sue's house with a party.

Lee had convinced us all to go in on some super expensive game for Zach and Kai to share, so we only had one big gift for both boys so decided to make it a joint birthday party. The game was the Nintendo Switch and back in April it was hard to find and not cheap!

Speaking of hard to find and not cheap, check out this Chinese New Year's Head Dress that my mom had purchased for $1 in Palm Desert, but did not want to ship home so it was left for me . I took a best offer of over $100 for this unique and htf (hard to find) item. Yay!

Click here to see this auction.

But back to Zach & Kai's joint birthday, to make sure the boys had fun on that day we stopped by the $1 store to pick up some fun gag gifts. I think these were the hit of the party!

Here are the boys with their "faux" nose rings, sunglasses and leis.

We even bought a lei for my dad to cheer him up. He thoroughly enjoyed himself and you can see him trying to keep up his strength in this picture as he drinks his ensure. He never stopped fighting or loving life .

I think a high point of the party was when my good friend Kimberly Wallace's husband, Mike, stopped by. Kimberly and I have been friends since 1993, when I first moved back to Bellingham. OMG, that is 24 years! When my dad needed a buddy to go out crabbing at Birch Bay, Mike happily volunteered and he and my dad became great friends. Mike & Kim live in Huntington Beach, but Mike happened to be in Bellingham that weekend and made the special effort to see my dad. It was greatly appreciated.

Here are some of the favorite men in my life. My brother, Lee, Mike Wallace, my dad, Zach and Kai. Unfortunately, Houston and Indy wouldn't arrive until the next day.

The boys LOVED the Nintendo Switch, but I must say it was the squirt guns from the $1 store that made the day! I wish we had bought more of them. Two didn't go very far but the kids made the most of them and giggled the afternoon away. It was super special because my dad could see it all going down from his recliner in the living room .

When I say "kids", I am also including Lee and myself. Here is Kai and Lee going at it but Kai is smarter than a 5th grader and has an entire bucket ready to throw on Uncle Lee.

I thought it was hysterically funny until they both came after me while I was filming. Check this out.

We were exhausted after such a fun day! The next afternoon we were at the airport right on time to get Houston and Indiana and whisk them off to Papa's house. Papa was so excited, he couldn't stand it! He hadn't seen the Goose since the summer before.

Here is their grand entrance and you can see the smile on my dad's face, Indiana is smiling as well and clutching the Cheetos and grandma Sue is just thrilled that the kids are finally "in the house".

My dad always made peanut butter and his special homemade strawberry jam sandwiches, Cheetos and grape soda for the kids for lunch. So Sue and I made sure that their special lunch was waiting.

Here is my dad sitting on the couch with my kids giving Indiana the business as they finish up their lunch. He NEVER lost his sense of humor.

Goose and Indy would be staying at my dad's house for the next week. I wanted to lay low and give them special time with him. They all just hung out for that week. My dad slept a lot, but he loved knowing that they were right there.

Houston & Indy watched a lot of videos, Houston actually read a book my dad gave him "The Boys in the Boat". Here is a snapchat that Indiana did of Houston in the family room at my dad's house under the "Grandkids" pictures reading that book. I love this picture.

Indiana worked on the schoolwork she was missing, studied for her upcoming AP exams and contemplated her final college choice that was due on May 1st.

Here is an eBay listing for the book Houston read. I highly recommend this book. My mom had given it to him also and was the first one to tell us all about it.

Click here to see this auction.

The kids would be flying back to California on Monday, May 1st as Indiana needed to get back to school and Houston would be heading out to Malibu for Maymester at Pepperdine, or summer school as us laymen call it.

While the kids were hanging with my dad, my mom and I tackled my sister's garage. The roof had gone bad and all of her personal belongings that were stored there were soaked. It was heartbreaking. Luckily, we were able to salvage the most important items. Here is my mom on her deck as we sort what is left of my sister's life on the morning of Wednesday, April 26th.

But I must digress, back in March when I told my next door neighbor, Sandra, that my dad had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she gave me a book called "What every daughter wants her father to know". She thought I should give it to my dad, but that I should write some notes inside it first. This was the book that my neighbor, Sandra, had bought for her dad, but never got the chance to give it to him before he died.

Here is a link to one on eBay.

Click here to see this auction.

I told her that I could not even write in it, much less send it to him. She said to me "You must write in it and then read it to him"......I was like "Are you crazy?" She said..."Trust me...just do it."

I finally wrote in it the night before sorting my sister's stuff. That same night, Tuesday, April 25th, I text my stepmom Sue and asked her if I could have 15 minutes alone with my dad the next day.

She was more than understanding and while my mom and I were sorting Kiki's stuff out in the sun, I got a text from Sue at noon and she said "Now". My dad was only awake for a very short time each day and when I got the text, my mom and I rushed into town.

When I arrived Sue left the house. She and I share a mutual love and understanding of my dad. When I walked into the family room, my dad was in his easy chair with a blanket over him and Houston and Indy where there and I said, "May I have 15 minutes with Papa?" they were like "Why?"

I held up the cover of the book, immediately started crying and they BOLTED from the room. LOL. They went to the living room and as my crying got louder, Indy started playing the piano. It was seriously surreal.

I said to my dad, "I have something I want to read to you."

He said,"Lynn, this is not a good time...I just took a pain pill" and I said "If I don't do it now I will never do it and I can always read it to you again"...he finally agreed....I don't think I have ever cried so hard in my life and he didn't talk much anymore, but held my hand the entire time and kept squeezing it harder and harder.

I am so sad, happy, grateful, etc. that I got to tell my dad how much I love him and he told me the same back. Thank you to Sandra (my neighbor) for making me do this.

When I finished reading it I asked him if he would like to keep it so I could read it to him again. He said "Are you kidding? Yes, of course...I can read it on my own and I love you. Thank you again."

I think going through this with my dad was even harder than losing Kiki....but Wednesday, April 26th had been a hell of a day.

First thing...sorting all of my sister's things that we stored to leave to the boys in the garage (but the roof got a hole in it and everything was soaked in water and ruined), then off to my dad's house to spend 15 minutes alone with him reading the "prose" I wrote and then back to my sister's house to put a new lock on the garage and haul out all of her personal paperwork....about six huge plastic tubs....I am not sorting that anytime soon...then to the courthouse to get a copy of my divorce decree so that I could get Indiana's college fund sent to me and then as a treat we stopped by the newest hot spot in town "The Real McCoy".

Here is my Instagram post from the bar.

The bartender, Spencer actually came over and said "how was your day?" and I proceeded to tell him exactly how it went down...he just moved my rum and diet coke closer to me. LOL. It has been harder than I ever imagined.

I had decided to leave Bellingham on Friday the 28th since I felt good that the kids were going to be with Papa until Monday, and then my brother was flying back in on Tuesday.

That Thursday night, Sue invited us all for dinner. Zach and Kai were there with their dad John, Houston, Indiana, my mom, me, my dad and Sue. After dinner my dad said he couldn't think of a finer group of his favorite people to be in a room with and he just wished Lee were there.

Indiana also made the huge announcement that she had decided to attend Pepperdine this fall with Houston. That was my dad's dream and he was over the moon with her decision.

As my mom and I got ready to leave, I asked for a photo of the grandkids with my dad, but he had already climbed into bed. I said, "that doesn't matter. We are doing it anyway." I just wish Lee would have been there and it was sad for me to say goodbye that night as I prepared to travel the next morning. I had no idea it would be the last time I saw him.

Time for a travel score. I found these two Towle frames in the back of the warehouse and I was so happy to finally get them listed. I sold both of them for a best offer of $50 each. Found money!

Click here to see this auction.


Click here to see this auction.

Then next morning I left at 7 am to fly home to work and planned to return on Cinco de Mayo. On Tuesday, May 2nd, they admitted my dad to Whatcom Hospice house. Lee road with our dad in the ambulance and asked him if it was OK to take him to hospice. Our dad said "If you have to". Heartbreaking.

I had the strangest feeling in the few days leading up to that trip and it wasn't a good one. On the morning of my flight, my alarm went off to get ready for the flight and then my phone rang. It was my brother and he said, "Dad passed away."

We both started crying….me hysterically…. Lee not so loudly. In the midst of my hysterics I was finally able to say "I guess…… I should….. cancel my plane flight." More hysterics. It was one of the saddest days of my life.

R.I.P. Dr. Wayne Dralle

Here is a link to his obituary. Thank you to all of you who took the time to write in my dad's memory book. It means the world to me.

My dad's celebration of life was held Friday, May 12th and Indy, Houston, Lee and I made plans to get back up to Bellingham. The only way we could all get there in time was to fly out of LAX. Our flight was delayed 6 hours and we didn't leave LAX until midnight. It was quite the journey. Thank the Lord we made it!

We arrived at 4am and Indy would only be in town for 24 hours as she would be flying out the next morning at 5 am to make it back to Palm Springs by 9 am on Saturday, May 13th for her Senior Prom. That plane ticket only cost me $600, but we all decided that there was NO WAY Papa would have wanted Indy to miss her Senior Prom.

OK, let's share a potential score that will hopefully help pay for that plane ticket!

Click here to see this auction.

The ceremony of life for my dad was wonderful. It was simple and touching. I wrote something about my dad that Indy and Houston got up to share for me. Indiana read the entire thing with great composure. Someone asked her afterwards, "How in the world did you do that? Were you in character?" and she said "Yes."

I held it together pretty well until the presentation of the flag to my dad's wife Sue, especially when they played taps.

I was really touched by all the family and friends who attended. QC member Bev Helton and her husband Bob drove from Mt. Vernon which was very special.

Here is a photo of my high school friends, Leslie Arntzen, Jo Dallas and Mindy Maier, in addition to Robin Kanter (my May Company partner in crime) with Houston & Indiana. Indy is obviously trying to be short enough to fit into the photo. LOL. Mindy and Robin had both made the trip up from Mercer Island. Such awesome friends!

It was all surreal, but back to reality and the resilience of the young. I know Houston and Indy are still grieving, each in their own way, but they both went right back to their lives. I am having a harder time.

Here is Indiana at her Senior Prom with her date Hunter. Hard to believe that the day before this photo she had attended the funeral for Papa. I am happy to see such joy on her face.

When I flew from Bellingham on May 15th to return to Palm Desert my mom was already scheduled on that same flight. She had booked quite far in advance to come down early to help me get out of my office and attend Indiana's graduation.

There was a lot of shipping and sorting to do at the office. Somehow my mom talked me into going out saling one Friday. Big mistake. I ended up spending about $1,200. Thanks Mom!

Here is some Fenton I bought for $400.

Here is some Fenton Burmese that was included in that purchase price that I also acquired along with some really interesting antique and collectible pieces from an upper end Palm Springs Estate Sale.

I had my money on selling the antique items…the majolica oyster plates, the noritake dinner set and the interesting butterfly bowl. I finally got that butterfly bowl listed this week. Check it out here.

Click here to see this auction.

Guess what? I was absolutely wrong. The Fenton sold for the most and the quickest of everything. WHAT? I was in shock. Those Burmese animal figurines were the hot ticket. Check out this one cat that sold for over $50 at auction. It will blow your mind.

Click here to see this auction.

Of the 31 pieces of Fenton that I sold, 27 sold at auction for a grand total of $1,029.94. Wow! Nice quick ROI. The 4 pieces that sold at best offer sold for $330.50 and those fixed priced sales almost paid for my entire Fenton purchase .

I still have 4 pieces from that purchase left and they add up to $760.00 at full asking price. DON'T overlook Fenton!

Luckily, my mom was in town for Xavier's awards assembly so on Wednesday morning we headed to the school. Once inside I scanned and scanned the crowds and did not see Indiana. Where could she be? I knew that there was a possibility of her receiving an award, but where was she?

About half way through the ceremony, it dawned on me. She was taking an AP make-up exam. Darn it! I remember other kids missing the awards assembly for that same reason last year. Indiana had taken off so much school for Papa that she was missing her senior year awards assembly.

All of the 10 senior awards had been handed out and there were three left to go. Still no Indiana.

Principal Tricco announced the final awards. The first went to Patrick, who was Indiana's homecoming date, and the second to Clauds, another of Indy's great friends. The third and final award was about to be announced and it is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a graduate of Xavier College prep, I held my breath as Mr. Tricco said the St. Ingatius of Loyola Award is presented this year to……Indiana Wilson.

I immediately started shaking and crying. Papa would be so proud. I was so sad that he wasn't there with us, but I knew that he knew.

Mr. Tricco told the student body that Indiana's grandfather had recently passed away and she was taking a makeup AP test. Indiana would be brought in at the very end of the ceremony and he asked that as she entered the gym that they all clap and give her a very loud welcome.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Indiana enter the gym with the test proctor and Mr. Tricco say, "Indiana, please come up here.". She looked so confused as the students all started cheering and clapping. It was awesome!

Mr. Tricco said, "Indiana while you were taking your AP exam we decided to bestow upon you the highest honor that any graduating senior can receive. You will get a certificate today, but your actual award will be given to you during graduation where a letter from one of your favorite teachers will be read. Congratulations Indy!"

Here she is receiving that award on stage during graduation.

Here is that video if you care to watch.

In the days between the awards assembly and the actual graduation, my mom and I were very busy packing and shipping Fenton. Yay!

Here is the piece of Fenton that sold for the highest price. Over $100 with a best offer.

Click here to see this auction.

Graduation was going to be nerve wracking for me as Indiana was the final speaker. She was to give the Farewell to Xavier speech and she wanted NO input from me. The only person that got to hear it beforehand was the Goose.

The morning of graduation my mom and I left early to save seats. Houston had four friends coming from Pepperdine, Uncle Lee was in town, Lori, Mo, the kids' Dad, his mom Grandma Donna and their great Aunt Pam would all be attending the ceremony along with my mom and me.

The ceremony was very nice and the diplomas were handed out and it was time for Indiana to give her speech. I could barely breathe.

Here is a shot that the professional photographer took during her speech. When I was ordering these pictures Phil Cordova (the photographer) said to me, "by the way, your daughter is hysterical."

I had asked Lee to film her speech and here it is if you care to view it. I find it fun to watch because I can hear Houston yelling from the back and Lee and myself laughing. I also get a kick watching President Alling, Principal Tricco and Dean Granger trying not to laugh in the forefront.

We were set to hold a Grad party at our home right after the ceremony, so off my mom, Lee and I went to set up and pick up pizzas. The party was a huge success, we had teachers stop by, Houston had more kids show up from Pepperdine, many of Indiana's Musical University friends attended in addition to her dad, her Grandma Donna and her Great Aunt Pam.

Here is a platter that I sold during the party that definitely helped pay for the event! You gotta love eBay. Making money while having a super fun party .

Click here to see this auction.

When the kids returned from swimming, I had them do a jump picture. You probably know how I love jump photos .

Lori was able to make the party and her daughter Paige showed up later. Lori and Paige are like family since Indy and Paige have been best friends since pre-school.

Here is a photo when the party was winding down that I call family.

My dad was definitely missed that day and the many days before it and after it. The entire event was bittersweet. I am so happy and proud of Indy, but so sad that my dad wasn't here on earth to participate in such joy.

Thanks God that we were so busy that we didn't have time to be sad. About a week after graduation was Indiana's MTU Senior Cabaret performance where she would sing three solos at the Purple Room in Palm Springs.

I was so busy beforehand that I didn't even have time to buy tickets. Luckily, both Houston and I were able to attend. It was amazing.

Here she is on stage.

Here is her performance on YouTube.

My original move out date from the warehouse was May 31st, but with my father's illness that was not even a possibility. I extended the move out date to July 2nd. The rest of June was spent getting out of my warehouse. What a JOB!

Here is a photo late in June with Houston and Indiana helping me to sort my grandmother's boxes. It was pretty fun spending time with them and going down memory lane.

During the move I put together a LOT of LOTS. I wanted to move stuff out the front door to customers instead of out the back door to storage . One of those LOTS I put together was of lamp prisms.

I ended all of my older listings and added many more that we found in our sorting. I started the auction at $99.99 and was thrilled to get the opening bid plus shipping just to get them out of my hair. I know it was a bargain but so be it!

Check out that listing here.

Click here to see this auction.

Here is my awesome friend Max taking apart some of the remaining shelves. Thank God for Max! I don't know what I would have done without him. Actually, I do know. I would still be sitting in my warehouse in 120 degree heat .

Here we are saying goodbye to our UPS driver Aaron as he takes a parting gift with him, a cast iron pan for his mom. Aaron was so funny on one of my last days in the office, he came in and said, "I prayed to God last night….what am I going to do without Lynn & crew on my route? This morning I woke up and got a phone call that I am back on the long haul route, driving the semis from Ontario to LAX." Just as Aaron was moving along, so were we.

Here are some of the crew sitting on the empty floor on walk through day, July 2nd. It was surreal, like most of the past three months have been.

The warehouse was completely empty and WE DID IT. Let me tell you that it was NOT easy. It was seriously a group effort. Thank God for great friends, Mo, Carmen, Max, Lori, Coco, Kel, Kelly, Mor Mor, Candy, Tina B., Audrey, Houston, Indiana and the entire Queen's Court. You guys were there for me every day with positive suggestions, kind thoughts and prayers. I appreciate all of you!

I am still recovering. It was overwhelming.

I am writing this ezine from my hospital bed on July 18th as I recover from a twisted knee. During the move, I tripped over a bunch of cords and fell. The knee was getting better, but during a plane ride back from my father's burial on July 10th, (Houston's 21st Birthday), my knee started expanding. I went straight to the emergency room from the plane.

I was in the ER for 8 ½ hours and was sent home. I wound up back in the hospital this past Saturday, July 15th and am still here. I am praying that I will be able to attend eBay open next week. I hope to see so many of you there .

Life works in funny ways doesn't it? Every sign has been pointing to my NOT moving back to Bellingham. My dad's sudden passing, the boy's Dad is moving them to Mukilteo to be closer to his work for Boeing (no more nephews Zach & Kai in B'ham) and my first employee Audrey may be moving to Arizona.

Then on June 8th, I was at the office sorting through stuff with Mo & Kel and I was listening to Pete Yorn on You Tube. I closed my computer and 10 minutes later a song started playing. It was Cat Stevens' Father & Son.

I had won that album in elementary school in an art contest for the fire department. I remember my dad taking me to the fire station so I could get my picture taken with all the firemen and it was pictured in the Monmouth, Oregon newspaper. I think my dad is trying to tell me something.

Check out the lyrics.

"It's not time to make a change
Just relax, take it easy
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to know
Find a girl (boy), settle down
If you want you can marry
Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy

I was once like you are now, and I know that it's not easy
To be calm when you've found something going on
But take your time, think a lot
Why, think of everything you've got
For you will still be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not

How can I try to explain
Cause when I do he turns away again
It's always been the same, same old story
From the moment I could talk I was ordered to listen
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away
I know I have to go

It's not time to make a change
Just sit down, take it slowly
You're still young, that's your fault
There's so much you have to go through
Find a girl (boy), settle down
If you want, you can marry

Look at me, I am old, but I'm happy
All the times that I cried
Keeping all the things I knew inside
It's hard, but it's harder to ignore it
If they were right, I'd agree
But it's them they know not me
Now there's a way and I know that I have to go away
I know I have to go"

So, I am going to heed my dad's advice and just take it slow. I am not going to make any big changes right now and will focus on my eBay business, writing "antiques from a to z ", writing ezines, the Queen's Court and my kids.

My dad did NOT want me to leave Indiana and Houston without their home in Rancho Mirage. I think he was right. At least for Indiana's first year. I need to be close to her in case she needs to come home. I also want to be within driving distance for parents' weekend and for all of her performances. It is an exciting year coming up and I am glad I am not missing it.

Let's end this ezine on a positive note!

First, Happy 21st Birthday to Houston! Here is my post from Instagram. I absolutely love this photo of him and Papa. Such LOVE! Papa is so proud of you Goose. We all are!

Second, thank you to my family, friends and kids for making my birthday this year special. Check out Indy's post.

Third, I was on eBay radio recently with Griff & Lee discussing some of these big changes in my life. You can check out that interview here.

Also, check out this tiny little map of Ohio that I mention during the interview. Can you believe what it sold for? Yikes!

Click here to see this auction.

And finally, let's end with a potential score. I am cleaning house and trading an old hobby, scuba diving, for a new one. Not sure what that new one is yet, but I have some time to figure it out. Remember, for once I will be relaxing and taking it slow I've got time and I will be taking it easy .

Click here to see this auction.

Thanks for reading my ezines! I appreciate it!
Happy eBaying!

Lynn Dralle, 'The Queen of Auctions,'
Creator of the best-selling eBay Boot Camp in a Box.

Lynn is an experienced eBay Power Seller, author and teacher. If you want to know the eBay tips, tricks and tools that Lynn uses for buying and selling at online auction click here.

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